Debit Card Enhancements
We will be introducing some new enhancements to the security and protection of your debit card.
Please take a moment to verify and update your email address and phone number online or visit a branch.
It is VERY IMPORTANT that you respond to HarborOne Bank alerts you receive about your Debit Card. If the alerts are ignored, your card could be deactivated.
New Security Enhancements Coming Your Way
We will be introducing some new security enhancements to your HarborOne Debit Card. These enhancements will monitor your debit card activity in real time and alert you if we identify suspicious activity that is outside of your normal card usage. You will receive these alerts via text message (at no cost to you), email or phone call. PLEASE NOTE: once these new security enhancements are live, you may experience a heightened number of alerts as the system learns your particular debit card usage patterns.
Debit Card Fraud Alerts-Protect Yourself
As we introduce our new Debit Card Fraud Alerts. We want to help you protect your personal information from criminals/fraudsters who may try to impersonate our fraud alerts. Please note:
- A text alert from us warning of suspicious activity on your card will NEVER include a link to be clicked. Never click on a link in a text message that is supposedly from us. A valid notification will provide information about the suspect transaction and ask the cardholder to reply to the text message with answers such as ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘help’, or ‘stop’. It will never include a link.
- A text alert from us will always be from a 5-digit number and NOT a 10-digit number resembling a phone number.
- A phone call from our institution’s automated dialer will only include a request for your zip code, and no other personal information, unless you confirm that a transaction is fraudulent. Only then will you be transferred to an agent who will ask questions to confirm that you are the actual cardholder before going through your transactions with you. If at any point you are uncertain about questions being asked or the call itself, hang up and call us directly. If a call is received by the cardholder, claiming to be our Customer Service Center and asking to verify transactions, no information should have to be provided by the cardholder other than their zip code, and a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the transaction provided.
- We will NEVER ask you for your PIN or the 3-digit CVV security code on the back of your card. Don’t give them out to anyone, no matter what they say. Hang up and call us directly. Fraudsters will often ask cardholders to verify fake transactions. When the cardholder says no, they did not perform those transactions, the fraudster then says that their card will be blocked, a new card will be issued, and that they need the card’s PIN to put it on the new card. Many people believe this and provide their PIN. The 3-digit CVV security code on the back of the card will allow a fraudster to conduct card-not-present transactions.
- Regularly check your account online to see if there are any suspicious transactions that have occurred, but especially if you are unsure about a call or text message you’ve received. If anything looks amiss, call us directly for assistance.
- If you have received a voice- or a text-message from us and are unsure about responding to it, call us directly for assistance.
If you have received a voice-or a text-message from us and are unsure about responding to it, call us directly for assistance at 800-244-7592.
Introducing Card Manager
In April, we will introduce Card Manager within the HarborOne mobile banking app. Card Manager offers a suite of security and spending features that help keep your debit card safe and help you track your spending more easily. You will be able to customize, update, turn on and off these features as often as you wish. Alerts from Card Manager will be delivered directly through the HarborOne mobile banking app.
Please Respond to the Alerts You Receive
It is VERY IMPORTANT that you respond to HarborOne Bank alerts you receive about your Debit Card. If the alerts are ignored, your card could be deactivated.