Learn to Spot a Phishing Attack

Scammers use email and text messages to try to steal your personal information and passwords in order to gain access to your accounts. These individuals constantly update their tactics to try to find new ways to get information, so it’s important to be wary when you receive a text or email. If you receive an unexpected message that looks like it comes from a company you trust—such as your bank, credit card company, or utility, watch for these red flags:

  • The email or text conveys a sense of urgency
  • The email or text is sent from a public domain email address such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.
  • It uses a generic or strange greeting
  • It contains spelling or grammatical errors
  • It links to an unfamiliar or misspelled website
  • It contains an offer too good to be true

The safest way to access your account is to use the app on your mobile device, or type harborone.com into your browser. Stay safe online--stop and think before you click that link!