Using Money Management Apps Safely

There are some great budgeting apps and websites to help you reach your financial goals and track your spending. However, there are security risks involved in using them. When you share your login information with a third party, you usually can't limit how much information they can access. And your login and financial information could be compromised if the third party has a security breach. There are some ways to help keep your information secure:

  • Research the apps you want to use--read online reviews from reliable sources
  • Use a unique password or passphrase for every app
  • Set up multi-factor authentication whenever it's available
  • Don't use online banking or budgeting apps on public Wi-Fi
  • Keep your HarborOne contact information up-to-date and turn on alerts so we can get in touch with you quickly if we detect suspicious activity on your account

Third party tools can be a great way to manage your money. Just be sure to take all the precautions you can to keep your money and information safe.